I’m writing this the last days of July, just about five weeks since the last update.

What started as a cool, wet, prolonged spring, where crops had an excellent start pretty much everywhere, now seems, in many places, to be in a midsummer heatwave (and fires) that may lead to harvests earlier than expected.

Still, in these last weeks, I’ve seen quite a few fields, and they still look very promising, although the conversations always include a “we sure could use some rain about now.” There have been recent rains in some areas, but it seems to be spotty.

Since the end of June, I’ve been able to visit a number of projects, including Central Alberta, Newell (near Duchess), Neerlandia, Fort Saskatchewan (which includes the Grow Hop Project together with MCC Alberta), Vegreville, Bonnyville, Mallaig, and Edberg.

In each visit, I’m able to meet a few of the people involved, but it’s always clear that there is a longer story, with farmers, ag industry and other supporters, rural and urban, who keep making the growing projects happen.

Central Alberta – canola

Share the Harvest, Westlock – barley

Neerlandia – barley

Vegreville – canola

Bonnyville – canola

Mallaig/St. Paul – wheat

Edberg – wheat

Newell Project, Brooks – barley

As is always true, a big thank you!

– Abe