Report hail damage via AFSC Connect online hail claim reporting. It provides a simplified way to report by prepopulating your land and crop information.

Assess your fields following a hail storm. Having non-damaged fields on your claim increases the overall workload and can impact wait times.

Plan to accompany the adjuster when they arrive, or know exactly where to direct them. Be able to show the adjuster where the damage is, and how to access the fields.

Helpful Information for Next Season

You can choose to auto-elect Straight Hail Insurance in the spring when you completing your crop election. This reduces the need for an acceptance inspection if hail hits first, which reduces AFSC’s adjusting team’s workload. Choosing to auto-elect Straight Hail Insurance also saves producers two per cent on premiums and coverage is in affect the day crop emerges and is viable.

If you don’t plan to harvest your crop, area-based programs are an alternative for silage crops and do not require pre-harvest or post-harvest field inspections. Under the Silage/Greenfeed program, you won’t need to wait for an inspector to appraise your crop. However, an inspector visit will still be required for hail damage inspections.