AFSC offers payment solutions that make it easy to do your business, your way. Stay on top of your payments and avoid late fees by easily and securely paying bills online or choose a solution that works for you.

Online Payments

1. Visit your bank’s website, login, and search for “add payee” or “new payee”

2. Add payee
The payee name which your bank recognizes may vary, such as Agriculture Financial Services, Agriculture Financial Services Corp or Agriculture Financial Serv Corp.

3. If you have more than one loan or policy/subscription with AFSC, you must set up a separate bill/payee combination for each loan or policy/subscription.

4. Set up your bill/payee combination using your subscription number (insurance/AgriStability) or loan number (lending) as the account/reference number. Do not use your AFSC ID, as it is not a valid account/reference number.

Insurance/AgriStability: Using your subscription number as the account/reference number, beginning with the first number after the zeroes. Subscription number 004-123456 would be entered as 4123456

Lending: Depending on the age of your loan, the length of your loan number may vary. Older loan numbers use this format 4726410, while newer numbers use this longer format 904726410

5. Depending on your bank, it may be possible to set up a descriptive account nickname for each bill/payee combination. For example: Crop, AgriStability, Tractor Loan.

In-person payments

In-person payments can be made at any AFSC branch office throughout Alberta.

Please visit our Contact page for branch office locations and hours.

By Mail

Cheques can be sent to your preferred branch office. Be sure to include your policy/subscription number or loan number and AFSC ID number on the cheque.