AgriStability program information and forms for 2023 participants.

Help for farmers impacted by wildfire and drought

The AgriStability program was reopened for late participation so producers affected by wildfires and drought can consider enrolling to manage business risks.

Alberta producers could sign up for AgriStability until September 29. The Government of Alberta and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada reopened the program recognizing that wildfires and extremely dry conditions have affected many farmers and ranchers since the April 30 enrolment deadline. The extension gave affected producers more time to review and manage the business risks associated with these challenging situations.

AgriStability protects Canadian producers against large declines in farming income due to production loss, increased costs and market conditions. The program is offered through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP), which is a shared commitment between federal, provincial and territorial governments.

To read the full release: Help for farmers impacted by wildfire and drought

AgriStability enrolment through late participation is now closed.

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership

The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) is a new $3.5-billion, five-year agreement, which runs April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2028. This agreement between the federal, provincial and territorial governments strengthens the competitiveness, innovation, and resiliency of the agriculture, agri‐food and agri‐based products sector. The agreement includes $1 billion in federal programs and activities and $2.5 billion in cost-shared programs and activities funded by federal, provincial and territorial governments.

Changes to AgriStability

Under Sustainable CAP, the AgriStability compensation rate has increased to 80 per cent or 80 cents per dollar of support from the previous 70 per cent rate. This change is in effect for the 2023 program year.

What hasn’t changed is the benefit trigger point or how fees are calculated – benefits still begin to trigger at 70 per cent of the reference margin and it still costs only $315 for every $100,000 of reference margin support. Losses in excess of 30 per cent are now compensated at $0.80 for every dollar of decline.

What to expect during your first year of AgriStability

AgriStability targets assistance to farm operations facing large margin declines caused by production loss, increased costs, or market conditions. It is a low-cost program, with an approximate fee of $315 for every $100,000 of reference margin.


Additional resources are available on the Resources page