You can learn a lot by looking at someone’s boots. Just like a book, every boot (and shoe) tells a story.

Farming and ranching are part of an incredibly diverse and demanding industry filled with some of the most hardworking and resilient people imaginable and at AFSC, we have the privilege of being a small part of the story of Alberta agriculture.

Each year, we witness the challenges and triumphs of Alberta’s ag industry, and we honour the drive, dedication, and determination of our producers. Each producer, each agribusiness and each person involved in the industry has their own story of agriculture.

We want to celebrate the agriculture industry — the diversity in people, crops, practices and techniques gives us strength and ensures a bright future for farming in Alberta.

Give us a little glimpse of what it’s like to walk in your boots by sharing your boots and your story with us so we can celebrate farming… together.

Share your story


Share with us what you love about farming or being part of the agriculture industry; why you were drawn to this industry; or what excites you most about the future of agriculture.

Upload a picture of your boots (or shoes) in action... or just send us a picture that helps tell your story of celebrating agriculture in Alberta.

Accepted file types: jpg, png, tif, heic, Max. file size: 5 MB.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy  Act

The information on this form, and any information you provide to us in the future related to this form, is collected under the authority of the Agriculture Financial Services Act (Alberta) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Alberta) (the “FOIP Act”).  The collected information, whether personal information or business information, will be used: (i) to evaluate your eligibility for the program to which this form relates; (ii) for the administration of the program; and/ or (iii) for the administration of any other AFSC program or benefit in which you participate.  Your personal information is subject to the provisions of the FOIP Act.

By submitting this form, you are providing your consent to AFSC disclosing and sharing the information contained on this form, whether personal information or business information, or any other information that will be provided in the future by you or your authorized representative, to the following third parties: B.C. Ministry of Agriculture, Alberta Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation, Manitoba Ministry of Agriculture and Resource Development, Manitoba Agriculture Services Corporation, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada Revenue Agency and Statistics Canada.  You consent that such disclosed and shared personal information and business information may be used in the following ways: (i) for the administration of all current and future AFSC, federal and provincial programs related to agriculture, AFSC lending programs and AFSC insurance programs; (ii) for AFSC, federal and provincial policy and program development; (iii) for AFSC, federal and provincial policy and program evaluation; (iv) for AFSC, federal and provincial program compliance; (v) for research development; and (vi) for statistical purposes.

If you have any questions about this form and the collection and use of your information, please contact AFSC at 5718 – 56 Avenue, Lacombe AB   T4L 1B1, 1.877.899.2372.