The Unseeded Acreage Benefit is included with AFSC’s Annual Crop Insurance products and provides compensation on a spot-loss basis for acres unseeded due to excess moisture as of June 20. This benefit is intended to partially compensate clients for the direct and indirect costs of seed bed preparation when seeding is prevented due to excessive moisture.

To qualify for this benefit, clients must have an active Annual Crop Insurance contract and acres must be unseeded as of June 20 due to excessive moisture. The total number of acres intended to be seeded must have been declared by April 30.


  • There is a five per cent deductible on all cultivated acres per quarter section;
  • AFSC may deny coverage on land where flooding or excessive moisture is a recurring problem.

To qualify for this benefit, the unseeded acreage must be land that meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • Intended to be seeded for crop, silage and/or greenfeed (insured and uninsured);
  • In hay or pasture the previous year and that was either worked or sprayed at a rate sufficient to kill that crop and intended to seed to a spring crop in the current year (insured and uninsured);
  • Seeded to a fall crop intended for harvest in the claim year;
  • Unharvested (snowed under) the previous year and is intended to be harvested in the spring prior to seeding a spring crop;
  • Qualified for a reseeding benefit and could not be reseeded on or before June 20 due to excessive moisture.

There are four levels of payment and each level has different eligibility requirements:

  • Level 1: Dryland $49 per acre – compensates for direct costs (rent, land taxes and interest), land preparation (cultivation, harrowing, herbicide application and chemical fallow) and following year land maintenance
  • Level 2: Dryland $108 per acre – compensates for Level 1 costs plus pre-plant incorporation of fertilizers (confirmation receipts may be required)
  • Level 3: Irrigated $107 per acre – compensates for direct costs (rent, land taxes and interest), land preparation, (cultivation, harrowing, herbicide application and chemical fallow), irrigation water rights and following year land maintenance
  • Level 4: Irrigated $179 per acre – compensates for Level 3 costs plus pre-plant incorporation of fertilizers (confirmation receipts may be required)

Find more information, use the AFSC online chat, call the AFSC Client Service Centre at 1.877.899.2372 or contact a branch office.