Straight Hail Insurance 2025
For crop producers, there are few things as devastating as a hailstorm. Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) provides Straight Hail Insurance so you can secure peace of mind in knowing your assets are protected from one of Mother Nature’s most damaging elements.
This program:
- provides protection for spot-loss damage to crops caused by hail, accidental fire and fire caused by lightning
Insurance comes into effect at noon on the day following the date of application.
What’s new in 2025
For cocktail crops insurable under Straight Hail Insurance, mixed grain is now eligible as a primary crop. This means that cocktail crops with two cereal crops making up the majority of the plant stand, minimum 35 per cent or greater, will now be eligible for insurance.
What was new in 2024
Applications for Straight Hail Insurance for Market Gardens must be completed with an AFSC representative or at an AFSC branch office. Applications will be subject to an inspection to determine eligibility of crops for hail coverage.
Cocktail Crops were added to the list of eligible crops for Straight Hail Insurance. Refer to the Straight Hail Contract of Insurance for a definition of Cocktail Crops and specifications.