At harvest's end, producers with annual or perennial crop insurance must declare their insured production for the crop year in a harvested production report (HPR). The filing deadline for HPRs is October 15 for perennial crops and November 15 for annual crops.

The yield data in this report is used to determine if there is a production shortfall and establish the client’s normal yield.  Cumulative data from all HPRs is also used as a basis for township and area normals 

Harvested production reports can be submitted at any time after harvest is completed. You are encouraged to submit your report as soon as you complete harvest to speed up review and calculation of any potential losses. Plus, if you are in a claim position, you may qualify for faster payment through payment by declaration or have the option to take a post-harvest advance. 


  • Harvest productions reports are due by October 15 (perennial) and November 15 (annual). 
  • Late-filed HPRs (perennial and annual) are accepted until 11:59 p.m. December 31. All late-filed harvested production reports are subject to penalty. If the HPR is not submitted by the December 31 deadline, the yield will be recorded as zero and no indemnity will be calculated. 

Harvested production report processing

AFSC expects to receive 12,096 harvested production reports – 10,825 for annual crops and 1,271 for perennial crops.

AFSC has received 99.1% (10,200) annual crop harvested production reports and 99.9% (1,257) perennial crop harvested production reports.

We are currently processing annual and perennial HPRs received November 18.

HPRs follow a first-in, first-out approach. Harvested production reports are processed in the order they were received.