Community Wellbeing
We are committed to strengthening Alberta's communities. We know that farming can be challenging, but like a true community, we pull together, supporting one another and growing stronger together. The path forward becomes easier to navigate when you have someone walking with you.
We believe in Alberta’s communities, and we want to help make them stronger. We support mental health program for producers and our team members. We strive to be a good neighbour and to help sustain the culture, heritage and community traditions throughout the province.
Our Partners
Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies: The Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies is a not-for-profit, non-governmental, provincial association originally formed in 1947 that advocates and provides resources for the 293 agricultural societies in Alberta.
Canadian Agriculture Safety Association: The Canadian Agriculture Safety Association works to raise awareness, educate and train people about the dangers associated with grain through its grain safety program. Through this program firefighters are trained to safely extract a person entrapped in grain using the BeGrainSafe mobile training and demonstration unit. The program also includes training for producers and their families, including the free, online course Introduction to Grain Handling and Storage Hazards
Canadian Foodgrains Bank: Canadian Foodgrains Bank work with locally based organizations in developing countries to meet emergency food needs, achieve long-term solutions to hunger, and work to foster informed action by Canadians and governments to support this international cause.
The Do More Agriculture Foundation: Do More Ag is a charity organization focusing on mental health in agriculture across Canada.