The Wildlife Damage Compensation Program (WDCP) compensates agricultural producers for wildlife damage to eligible unharvested crops, stacked hay, stacked greenfeed, as well as silage and haylage in pits and tubes.

Producers wishing to participate in the program are not required to have AFSC insurance to qualify for a claim. Producers do need to have an insurable interest in the crop that is damaged; cash rent landlords are not eligible. For eligible crops, other than stacked hay or stacked greenfeed, the producer’s crop needs to be located and damaged in Alberta.

All costs for this program are paid by the federal and provincial governments; producers pay no premium or administration cost except for the appraisal fee. A non-refundable appraisal fee of $25 per inspection type is required for each section of land or portion thereof on which the damage has occurred.

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Bear Damage to Hives was added as an eligible loss under the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program as a three-year pilot project. Compensation for eligible claims includes losses for honey, bee hives (colonies) and beehive equipment. Producers need to report damage, including a self-assessment report with photographic evidence, within 48 hours or two business days of discovery.